Year of Hope 2025 at Church of the Resurrection

WELCOMING PILGRIMS OF HOPEWhat awaits visitors—and us—in the year ahead

People from throughout the Diocese of La Crosse are expected to visit Church of the Resurrection throughout this year as the Church observes a Jubilee Year of Hope.  The church has been identified by Bishop Battersby as one of five pilgrimage sites within the diocese.

Since Jubilee Years were first declared—by Pope Boniface VIII in 1300—pilgrims have visited designated sites as spiritual journeys in themselves and to experience God’s grace through sacraments and prayer.

In identifying St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome as the primary pilgrimage destination, Pope Francis asked all bishops to make similar designations.  “Setting out on a journey is traditionally associated with a human quest for meaning in life,” Pope Francis said.  “In the coming year, pilgrims of hope will surely travel the ancient and more modern routes in order to experience the Jubilee to the full.”

Other Jubilee pilgrimage sites in the diocese include the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman in La Crosse, Sacred Heart Parish in Eau Claire, Sacred Heart Parish in Nekoosa and the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse.

MASS at 8:30 a.m. Sunday, and 12:10 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

RECONCILIATION from 9-10 a.m. Saturday

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT from 1-5 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month.


SATURDAY, MARCH 8—”Finding Hope in Mercy” with Fr. Joe Richards. – See Page 1 for details.

SATURDAY, APRIL 12 — “Words of Hope from the Cross” with John McHugh.  Guided by the traditional “seven last words” of Jesus from the cross, scripture scholar John McHugh will lead us into Holy Week with an engaging blend of biblical scholarship, storytelling and humor.

THURSDAY, MAY 22 — “What Is Christian Hope” with Rhonda Miska.  Rhonda’s presentation will get to the heart of a Christian perspective on hope.  “Hope does not disappoint,” St. Paul writes to the Romans, but what does that mean?

MONDAY, JULY 28 — “The Hope of the Martyrs” with Fr. Tom Lindner.  To what degree did hope compel the martyrs, and how might we understand and be encouraged by that hope?  Those are questions Fr. Tom will consider as we gather on the Feast of Blessed Stanley Rother, an Oklahoma farm boy and martyr of Guatemala.

SUNDAY, OCT. 12 — Bishop Battersby welcomes pilgrims at 2:30 p.m. to the final of three diocesan pilgrimage gatherings.  The event will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Reconciliation and a presentation by Fr. James Kurzynski, pastor of St. Olaf Parish in Eau Claire.