
Baptism is a beautiful time for parents and their child! Through baptism, we are initiated into the Catholic faith and welcomed into our parish community.
We joyfully welcome you to participate in a Baptism preparation class. Active parish membership required. Please contact our parish office for more information.
We have a generous and all forgiving God! God’s forgiveness is celebrated through the sacrament of reconciliation.
Students preparing for the sacrament of First Reconciliation need to be enrolled in the parish sacramental process. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for more information or contact Director of Religious Education at
Reconciliation Schedule:
St. Michael: Saturdays at 3pm or by appointment
Through confirmation, we are able to say “yes” to the Lord as our parents said, “yes” for us in Baptism. In confirmation we are given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which strengthen us in our Christian journey.
Confirmation Preparation:
There are several steps involved in preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. For resources and information to help you begin this process, please visit the Faith Formation Section of our website.
If you have additional questions, please contact Director of Religious Education at
The Holy Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” Through the Eucharist we remember and celebrate Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection.
Students preparing for the sacrament of First Reconciliation need to be enrolled in the parish sacramental process. Visit our Faith Formation Section for more information or contact Director of Religious Education at
The dress, the flowers, the food, the rings!!!!! Preparing for a wedding is exciting! However, more importantly, we wish to help you prepare for the MARRIAGE.
Engaged couples should contact the parish office as soon as they begin planning for their marriage, at least nine months in advance. You will meet with Father and be assigned a mentor couple to help you through the preparation process.
Active parish membership required. Please contact your parish office to begin the process.
Annointing of the Sick
During the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, a priest prays with and anoints the person with blessed oil.
If you are experiencing an illness, injury, or if you are about to undergo a serious surgery, please contact our parish office to inquire about receiving the sacrament of the anointing of the sick.
Please contact your parish office to schedule an appointment.
If you would like someone to pray for you during this time, please contact the parish office and we will add your request to our prayer chain.
If you or a family member would like a visit from the parish nurse, please contact Pam Frary at 715-842-4283 or
Holy Orders
Holy Orders is a sacrament by which the priesthood Christ entrusted to His apostles continues to be carried out today.
Anyone interested in becoming a priest, deacon, or sister, please contact the Pastor at 715-842-4283 for more information.
For additional information please visit the Diocese of La Crosse vocation webpage.
Sacraments Preparation
We gather as families of the Eastside Parishes in Wausau to prepare our children for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. Our Catholic Church calls the family the “Domestic Church.” Therefore, we work as partners in the formation of our children.
Preparation Process
The Catholic Church calls parents the “primary educators” in the faith of their children. Therefore, here at St. Michael and Resurrection Parishes we have the parents work with their children at home. We provide great resources for you to use with them. We also prepare as parish communities—both public and Catholic School. We come together as community to celebrate the sacraments with our children. Preparation for these sacraments typically occurs during second grade, but we welcome older children who are baptized and would like to receive these sacraments.